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This check list must be properly completed before paper submission otherwise it will be returned.
Paper preparation
- The contents of this paper are to be strictly on the epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of the pancreatobiliary diseases and include basic, translational, and clinical researches.
- This paper or any part of it has not been published in another journal.
- This paper has followed the Instruction for Authors and does not break any rules according to the code of ethics.
- The authors must disclose no conflict of or any conflict of interest, if present.
- All the authors who have contributed to this paper should sign a release form relinquishing ownership to The Korean Journal of Pancreas and Biliary Tract.
- This paper includes a cover page.
- The manuscript should be a MS word file using 10 point letters and in a double-space format.
- Page numbers have been clearly marked at the bottom center of each page.
- This paper abides by the following order.
- - Original Articles ① Paper title, each author’s full name and institutional affiliation(s) (number of authors is limited to 15), running-title, corresponding author’s name, full address, telephone, and fascimile numbers, E-mail address, and footnotes ② English abstract (Background/Aim, Methods, Results, and Conclusions in 200 words or less) and key words (5 words or less) ③ Introduction ④ Methods ⑤ Results ⑥ Discussion ⑦ Korean summary (within 500 words) and key words (5 words or less), if paper is written in Korean ⑧ Acknowledgments ⑨ References (limited to 40) ⑩ Figure legends ⑪ Tables, Figures, Images.
- - Case Reports ① Paper title, author (limited to 8), running-title, corresponding author’s name, full address, telephone, and fascimile numbers, E-mail address, and footnotes ② English abstract (150 words or less) and key words (5 words or less) ③ Introduction ④ Case ⑤ Discussion ⑥ Korean summary (within 500 words) and key words (5 words or less), if paper is written in Korean ⑦ References (limited to 15) ⑧ Figure legends ⑨ Tables, Figures, Images.
- - Review Articles ① Paper title, each author’s full name and institutional affiliation(s) (number of authors is limited to 8), running-title, corresponding author’s name, full address, telephone, and facsimile numbers, E-mail address, and footnotes ② English abstract (250 words or less) and key words (limited to 5) ③ Introduction ④ Main body ⑤ Conclusion ⑥ Korean summary (within 500 words) and key words (5 words or less), if paper is written in Korean ⑦ References ⑧ Figure legends ⑨ Tables, Figures, Images.
Cover Page
- The title, each author’s name and affiliation must be clearly stated.
- When the authors’ affiliations are different, the author’s name should be clearly marked with a shoulder number, and listed in numerical order.
- At the bottom of the title page, running-title, contact details (the corresponding author’s name, address, phone and fascimile numbers, and E-mail address), and any financial support received should be clearly stated.
- The title of the paper should not exceed 15 words. The running-title must not exceed 10 words.
- The first letter of each word in the title starts with a capital letter.
e.g.: | Prognostic factors of ulcer bleeding (X) |
| Prognostic Factors of Ulcer Bleeding (O) |
- The type of articles
1) The type of articles
① English abstract (Background/Aim, Methods, Results, and Conclusions in 200 words or less),
2) Case report
① English abstract (150 words or less) and key words (5 words or less)
3) Review Articles
① English abstract (250 words or less) and key words (5 words or less)
- Five or fewer key words from MeSH terms ( should be provided at the end of the abstract.
The body
- Numbers should be Arabic. Weights and measurements must follow the SI units (international system of units). Measurements that do not use the SI units must be clearly stated in parenthesis.
- Drug names should be given in their generic form. The manufacturer’s name, city and country for medical equipment and test drugs must be given in parenthesis.
- Abbreviations must be given to words that are repeated more than 3 times throughout the paper.
- When an abbreviation is used for the first time, a full name should be followed by an abbreviation in parentheses. Then, the use of the abbreviation is allowed.
- Acknowledgments, financial grants, and previous scientific presentations regarding the paper in question must be stated in footnotes.
- Articles must describe the statistical methods used.
- The patient’s name, address, and current medical history must be kept private.
- Spacing between the word and parenthesis.
e.g.: | tumor necrosis factor(TNF) (X) | tumor necrosis factor (TNF) (O) |
| 8 patients(16%) (X) | 8 patients (16%) (O) |
| tumor necrosis factor(TNF) (X) | tumor necrosis factor (TNF) (O) |
| 11/20(55.0%) (X) | 11/20 (55.0%) (O) |
- Spacing between the number and the unit.
e.g.: | AST 125IU/L (X) | AST 125 IU/L (O) |
| 9.2mg/dL (X) | 9.2 mg/dL (O) |
| 170cm (X) | 170 cm (O) |
- No spacing between the number and percentage(%) or °C.
e.g.: | 78 % (X) | 78% (O) |
| 39 ℃ (X) | 39℃ (O) |
- The name of a bacteria names has been recorded in italics.
e.g.: | Helicobacter pylori (X) | Helicobacter pylori (O) |
- If the paper is written in Korean, the medical terminology used should be from the latest published version of the Korean Medical Association.
Figures and Tables
- Tables must be in English and Arabic numerals, with a clear title at the top without any abbreviations, and only the first letter should be capitalized.
- Tables should be numbered in the order in which they are cited in the text (e.g., Table 1).
- If acronyms are used in a table, they must be explained at the bottom of the table.
- Symbols such as *, †, ‡, §, ¶, **, ††, ‡‡ are to be used in order with their explanation as footnotes at the bottom.
- Explanations on statistical methods used should also be stated as footnotes at the bottom of the table (e.g.: *Mann-Whitney U test).
Figure legends, figures, and images
- Figure legends are described on a separate page in the form of full sentences, not clauses.
- When cited in the text, the figures are to be numbered with Arabic numerals in order of citation and labeled clearly (e.g.: Fig. 1).
- If there are numerous images to one number, that number should be followed by an alphabetical letter to show its order of sequence (e.g.: Fig. 1A, Fig. 1B).
- If microscopic images are used, their staining and magnification records must be stated (e.g.: HE, ×100).
- Photographic images should be submitted in jpg, gif, or ppt format with at a final resolution of not less than 300 dpi.
- Figures and images must be submitted in separate files with names such as Figure 1A, Figure 1B, and Figure 2.
- The references of the paper must have their shoulder numbers clearly typed in the order they were presented.
e.g.: | Endoscopic treatment was done.10-13. (X) |
| Endoscopic treatment was done.10,11,12,13 (X) |
| Endoscopic treatment was done.10-13 (O) |
- References must be listed on a separate page at the end of the manuscript.
- They must be numbered in Arabic numerals in the order of citation.
- Maximum number of references for an original article is 40 and that for a case report is 15.
- All the names of the authors should be listed if there are less than 7 authors. If there are 7 or more authors, the names of first three authors should be listed and followed by “et al.”
- Unpublished data cannot be used as references but may be mentioned in the main body in parentheses.
- For the abbreviations of journal titles, those in the Index Medicus should be used (
- References must follow “the Vancouver style”, which is shown in the following examples:
▶ Journals
e.g.: | Lee SP, Nicholls JF, Park HJ. Biliary sludge as a cause of acute pancreatitis. N Engl J Med 1994;356:589-594. |
▶ Separate book: Author, book name, edition number, page number, city of publication, publishing company, publication year.
e.g.: | Goldman H, Appleman HD, Kaufman N. Gastrointestinal pathology. 1st ed. p241-247, Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1990. |
▶ Quoting cited literature:
e.g.: | Soergerl KH. Acute Pancreaitis. In: Sleisenger MH, Fordtran JS, eds. Gastrointestinal disease: pathophysiology, diagnosis and management. 4th ed. p1814-1819, Philladelphia, W.B. Saunders Co., 1989. |
▶ Supplementary articles or summarized abstracts:
e.g.: | 1) Sriram PVJ, Rao GV, Reddy DN. The precut- when, where, and how? Endoscopy 2003;35(Suppl): 24-30. |
| 2) Yoo BM, Kim JH, Jung JH, et al. Large balloon sphincteroplasty along with or without sphincterotomy in patients with large extrahepatic bile duct stones-multi center study [Abstract]. Gastrointest Endosc 2007; 65:97A. |