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Reviewer Guideline > For Authors and Reviewers > Reviewer Guideline

For Reviewer

The Korean Journal of Pancreas and Biliary Tract aims to foster the acquisition and maintenance of up-to-date scientific information to ensure high standards of practice. The Korean Journal of Pancreas and Biliary Tract receives much more submissions than it can be published four times annually. It is therefore important that manuscripts are critically evaluated for compliance with the academic and ethical standards. Three or more reviewers per manuscript are invited by editors in charge of specific fields. Reviewer selection in The Korean Journal of Pancreas and Biliary Tract is based on many factors, including expertise, reputation, specific recommendations, and our previous experience with the reviewer. We avoid inviting reviewers who are tardy, sloppy, too harsh, or too lenient. The Korean Journal of Pancreas and Biliary Tract is committed to rapid editorial decisions and publication which are valuable services both to our authors and the scientific community. We therefore ask that reviewers respond within 2 weeks or inform us if they anticipate a significant delay. This allows us to keep the authors informed and find alternative reviewers when necessary.

Ethical and Legal Considerations

1. Reviewers should treat the review process as being strictly confidential.

2. Reviewers treat the author and the manuscript with respect.

3. Manuscripts reviewed for The Korean Journal of Pancreas and Biliary Tract should not be discussed with anyone not directly involved in the review process.

4. Reviewers should not disclose their identities to the authors or to other colleagues and must not use the peer review process as a means to find their own research aims.

5. Reviewers are responsible to alert the editors to any research misconduct regarding authorship, fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, multiple publication, conflicts of interest, privacy and confidentiality, and protection of human subjects and animals in research.

Review Process

The primary purpose of reviewer reports is to provide the editors with the information that they need to reach a decision, but they should also instruct the authors on how to strengthen their manuscripts if revision is a possibility. Reviewers would evaluate the papers according to following criteria and decide the eligibility for publication in The Korean Journal of Pancreas and Biliary Tract.

1. There are strong evidences on which the conclusions are drawn.

2. Research should have novelty, broad biological significance, and importance to the pancreatobiliary diseases.

3. The research is suitable for ethical and legal considerations.

4. The title and number of authors are appropriate.

5. The submitted manuscript and references are in the style of the journal.

6. The abstract explains the aims, methods, and results and has a clear conclusion.

7. The method section should be clear, contain validated data, and be reproducible elsewhere. The methods of enrolling subjects should be free from any potential bias. The statistics should be comprehensible and the study sufficiently large for statistical power.

8. Results should avoid repetition in text, tables, and figures.

9. The discussion should summarize the main findings, criticize the methods used, relate to other data in the literature, and form effective conclusions.

10. Reviewer should separate major criticisms and suggestions for revision from minor errors, changes, and textual amendments.

11. Correction of language and rearrangement of text as necessary are of great help to the editorial team.

Based on the reviewers’ advices, the editors decide to choose one of the followings:

1. Accept the manuscript for publication without revision.

2. Accept the manuscript for publication with minor revision.

3. Invite the authors to revise the manuscript before a final decision is reached.

4. Reject the manuscript, typically on grounds of no specialist interest, lack of novelty, insufficient conceptual advance or major technical and/or interpretational problems.

Reviewers may recommend a particular course of action in their confidential comments to the editors, but should bear in mind that the editors may have to make a decision based on conflicting advices. Reviewers can request re-review of revised manuscripts as many times as necessary or leave the confirmation of minor revisions to the editors.

Writing the Review Report

All of review processes are done on the electronic manuscript management system of The Korean Journal of Pancreas and Biliary Tract. Reviewers are kindly requested to visit the journal site (http://submit.kjpbt.org/), log in with their ID and passwords, and go to the Reviewer Center. Reviewers are recommended to download PDF files of the assigned manuscripts, and make corrections and notes on the file.

Reviewers are asked to maintain a positive and impartial, but critical attitude in evaluating manuscripts. Criticisms should remain dispassionate; offensive language is not acceptable.

In order to make the authors understand the basis for a decision for revision or rejection, a detailed report on the weaknesses of the manuscript should be given. Reviewers may submit confidential comments to the editor in addition to those that can be directly transmitted to the authors. Reviewers’ opinions can be directly typed in or attached as separate files.

The ideal report should include an initial paragraph that summarizes the major findings and the reviewer's overall impressions, as well as highlighting major shortcomings of the manuscript. Specific numbered comments, which may be broken down into major and minor criticisms if appropriate (numbering facilitates both the editor's evaluation of the manuscript and the authors' rebuttal to the report). Reviewers’ reports should not include a recommendation regarding publication, which is regarded as confidential information since the final decision regarding acceptance, revision, or rejection rests on the editors.

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Korean Pancreatobiliary Association #723 Le Meilleur Jongro Town, Jongro19, Jongro-gu, Seoul 03157, Korea
Tel: +82-2-2285-5145 Fax: +82-2-2285-5146   E-mail: ercp@kams.or.kr
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