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Korean J Pancreas Biliary Tract > Volume 17(2):2012 > Article
The Korean Journal of Pancreas and Biliary Tract 2012;17(2):67-71.
코일 색전술로 담관-담즙종 누공을 성공적으로 치료한 1예
김태균, 김동욱, 송근암, 오상보, 서주완, 고정희, 김석
부산대학교 의학전문대학원 내과학교실,영상의학교실"
A Case of Biliary-Biloma Fistula that was Treated Successfully by Coil Embolization
Tae Kyun Kim, Dong Uk Kim, Geun Am Song, Sang Bo Oh, Joo Wan Seo, Jung Hee Koh, Suk Kim
Department of Internal medicine and Radiology, Pusan National University School of Medicine, Busan, Korea
Even though radiofrequency ablation of single liver malignancy is effective and safe procedure, however major complication such as large biloma or abscess can occur rarely. In addition, just drainage procedure sometimes cannot improve these complications accompanying the onset of a biliary fistula. We report a case that was complicated by a biliary-biloma fistula with abscess formation after successful percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of single liver metastases from cholangiocarcinoma and radiologic interventions to treat successfully persistent biliary fistulas with refractory liver abscess.
Keywords: radiofrequency catheter ablation, biliary fistulas, liver abscess, percutaneous embolization
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