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Korean J Pancreas Biliary Tract > Volume 18(1):2013 > Article
The Korean Journal of Pancreas and Biliary Tract 2013;18(1):14-19. doi: https://doi.org/10.15279/kpba.2013.18.1.14
간 열상의 출혈 치료로 시행한 간동맥 색전술 후 발생한 양성 담관 협착에서 자석 압박 문합술 1예
이광원, 박찬익, 장성일, 이동기
연세대학교 의과대학 내과학교실
A Case of Magnetic Compression Anastomosis in Benign Ischemic Biliary Stricture from Hepatic Artery Embolization to Control Hemorrhage due to Liver Laceration
Kwangwon Rhee, Chan Ik Park, Sung Ill Jang, Dong Ki Lee
Department of Internal medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Percutaneous and endoscopic interventions are treatments of choice in benign biliary stricture, while lesions with complete obstructions or with acute angulations may require surgical management. However, operations might not be advisable for patients with comorbidities or previous surgical histories. Some studies suggested magnet compression anastomosis (MCA) as an alternative method especially in liver transplantation recipients. We experienced a case of 44-year-old man who was injured by a forklift. He underwent two operations for panperitonitis and adhesiolysis, and hepatic artery embolization due to hemorrhage from lacerated liver which later developed benign biliary stricture from ischemic damage. Conventional percutaneous and endoscopic approaches failed in recanalization of the strictured bile duct and prior surgical history deterred another operation. We report a case of benign ischemic biliary stricture, which was successfully recanalized by MCA, with a brief review.
Keywords: magnetic compression anastomosis, benign biliary stricture, recanalization
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