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Korean J Pancreas Biliary Tract > Volume 4(2):1999 > Article
The Korean Journal of Pancreas and Biliary Tract 1999;4(2):116-121.
췌장의 점액 과분비성 유두상 종양과 유사한 담관내 점액 과분비성 유두상 종양
김홍자, 김명환, 이성구, 유교상, 박은택, 임병철, 서동완, 민영일
울산대학교 의과대학 서울중앙병원 내과학교실
Mucin-Hypersecreting Bile Duct Tumor Characterized by the Striking Homology with an Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Tumor (IPMT) of the Pancreas
Hong Ja Kim, Myung Hwan Kim, Sung Koo Lee, Kyo Sang Yoo, Eun Tack Park, Byeong Cheol Lim, Dong Wan Seo, Young Il Min
Department of Internal Medicine, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Corresponding author:  Myung Hwan Kim, Tel: 2224-3190, Fax: 476-0824, 
Email: mhkim@www.amc.seoul.kr
Mucin-hypersecreting bile duct tumor, which closely resembles intraductal papollary mucinous tumor (IPMT) of the pancreas, is rare and its clinical features are not well known. We report our experience of nine patients with the tumor and analyze the cases to elucidate its clinicopathologic characteristics.
Between 1995 and 1998, nine consecutive patients (4 men and 5 women, mean age 54 years) who were diagnosed as a mucin-hypersecreting bile duct tumor were enrolled in this study.
Recent or previous attacks of biliary pain and acute cholangitis were elicited in most of the patients. A widely open ampulla of Vater with extrusion of mucin and an diffuse dilated intra-and extrahepatic bile duct with amorphous filling defects on cholangiogram were characteristic. On cholangioscopic examination, papillary mass or minute mucosal lesion was found in the dilated bile duct containing thick viscid mucin. Nine patients were referred to an operation and curative resection was performed in eight patients. Histologically, well-differentiated adenocarcinoma in the background of benign hyperplasia and adenoma was documented in all patients except one, who showed pure adenoma. Conclusion: Mucin-hypersecreting bile duct tumor may be characterized by striking homology with IPMT of the pancreas in clinical, radiological and pathological features.
Keywords: Intraductal papillary mucinous tumor (IPMT) of pancreas, Mucin-hypersecreting bile duct tumor
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