담낭에서 발생한 편평상피분화를 동반한 소세포암 1예 |
박관석1, 문종호1, 홍수진1, 조영덕1, 김진오1, 조주영1, 이문성1, 전훈배2, 진소영3, 심찬섭1 |
1순천향대학교 의과대학 내과학교실, 소화기연구소 2순천향대학교 의과대학 외과학교실, 소화기연구소 3순천향대학교 의과대학 병리학교실, 소화기연구소 |
A Case of Small Cell Carcinoma with Squamous Component of Gallbladder |
Kwan Seok Park1, Jong Ho Moon1, Su Jin Hong1, Young Deok Cho1, Jin Oh Kim1, Joo Young Cho1, Moon Sung Lee1, Hoon Bae Jeon2, So Young Jin3, Chan Sup Shim1 |
1Institute for Digestive Research, Department of Internal Medicine, Soon Chun Hyang University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea 2Institute for Digestive Research, Department of General Surgery, Soon Chun Hyang University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea 3Institute for Digestive Research, Department of Pathology, Soon Chun Hyang University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea |
Corresponding author:
Chan Sup Shim, Tel: 02-709-9202 , Fax: 02-749-1968 , |
Malignant gallbladder neoplasms with neuroendocrine features include malignant carcinoid tumor and small cell carcinoma. Small cell carcinoma occuring in the gallbladder are rare (4% of all gallbladder cracinoma) and typically occur in elderly women with cholelithiasis. And small cell carcinoma of the gallbladder pursue a fulminant course with extensive metastasis, especially to the liver. The mean survival is less than 7 months. Multidirectional differentiations were characteristics of the neoplasm. Squamous and/or adenocarcinomatous components may be identified in small cell carcinoma of the lung and other organs, as well as in tumors of gallbladder. We experienced a case of small cell carcinoma with squamous component of the gallbladder subsequently report the case with a review of literatures. |
Small cell carcinoma, Squamous component, Gallbladder cancer |