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Korean J Pancreas Biliary Tract > Volume 2(2): > Article
십이지장 유두주위 게실과 담석의 연관성
명승재, 김명환, 이성구, 서동완, 김연석, 민영일
울산대학교 의과대학 서울중앙병원 소화기내과
Association of Periampullary Diverticula with Primary Choledocholithiasis but not with Secondary Choledocholithiasis
Seung Jae Myung, Myung Hwan Kim, Sung Koo Lee, Dong Wan Seo, Yeon Suk Kim, Young Il Min
Department of Internal Medicine, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Corresponding author:  Myung Hwan Kim,
Several endoscopic studies found an association between periampullary diverticula and biliary calculi, however, the results of the reports are inconsistent when considering the anatomical location of the stones. The aims of our study are to evaluate the association between periampullary diverticula and gallstones according to their location and to clarify the origin of the common bile duct stones by analyzing the composition of the stones.
During a period of 10 months, 611 of 632 consecutive cases of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) were prospectively enrolled. The data of periampullary diverticula and gallstones were analyzed according to the location of the stones. The stones available were initially grouped on the basis of their gross morphology and cross-sectional appearance, and finally analyzed by quantitative infrared spectroscopy.
Diverticula were found in 165 of 611 cases (27.0%) and there was a positive relationship between age and duodenal diverticula (p<0.01). The prevalence of biliary lithiasis was higher in patients with periampullary diverticula (95/165, 57.6%) than without (189/446, 42.4%)(P<0.01) Considering the location of the gallstones, this significance was found only in patients with common bile duct stones not associated with gallbladder or intrahepatic duct stones (p<0.001). Of these 40 cases with gallstones only in common bile duct, 32 had had a history of cholecystectomy with more than a two year asymptomatic period following their surgery, and on analysis, most of the stones (30/36, 83%) were classified as brown pigment stones. Therefore, these stones were presumed to be primary common bile duct stones. On the contrary, the common bile duct stones with associated gallbladder or intrahepatic stones were identical with their paired gallbladder or intrahepatic stones in gross and cross-sectional appearance and chemical composition. They were assumed to be secondary common bile duct stones and the difference in prevalence of calculi according to the Conclusion: The prevalence of gallstones was significantly higher in periampullary diverticula, and considering the location and the origin of the gallstones the association between diverticula and gallstones is significant in patients with primary common bile duct stones but not with the secondary ones.
Keywords: Periampullary Diverticulum, Cholelithiasis, Primary Common Bile Duct Stone, Secondary Common Bile Duct Stone
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