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Korean J Pancreas Biliary Tract > Volume 3(1):1998 > Article
The Korean Journal of Pancreas and Biliary Tract 1998;3(1):59-63.
임신중 발생한 담석성 췌장염 1예
박병규, 이승근, 이진헌, 정재복, 강진경
연세대학교 의과대학 내과학교실 및 소화기병연구소
A Case of Gallstone Pancreatitis during Pregnancy Treated by Endoscopic Sphincterotomy
Byung Kyu Park, Seung Keun Lee, Jin Heon Lee, Jae Bock Chung, Jin Kyung Kang
Department of Internal Medicine, Institute of Gastroenterology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Corresponding author:  Jae Bock Chung,
Pregnancy complicated by pancreatitis may lead to significant fetal and maternal morbidity and mortaIity. Pancreatitis during pregnancy is most often due to choledocholithiasis. Traditionally, these disease are managed conservatively or with operative cholecystectomy. Recent advances in fiber-optic technology allow endoscopy to be used for pancreaticobiliary disease in pregnancy. Aggressive endoscopic intervention for biliary disorders in pregnancy appears to decrease morbidity and mortality. We report a 31-year-old woman in her twenty-one weeks of pregnancy with gallstone pancreatitis. She was admitted with a 7-day history of abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. She was compatable to gallstone pancreatitis in physical examination, laboratory finding and ultrasonography. On second hospital day, endoscopy showed bulging papilla with an impacted gallstone. She was successfully treated with the needle knife sphincterotomy and endoscopic extraction of an impacted stone.
Keywords: Gallstone, Pancreatitis, Pregnancy, Endoscopic sphincterotomy
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